Every object stops functioning, is doomed either way: it is transformed to something futile or rubbish or becomes poetically significant. We are surrounded by electrical poles which connect wires and make telecommunicating possible. This leads them to act invisible and become banal; the actual essence of Pragmatism and Functionalism. It also removes the function of “things,” like words being devastated by meanings in routine language. Electrical poles do not work without wires though. They can both present deficit and castration. With eliminating function and attaining dependency, they turn into autonomous objects and reveal a total brand new meaning. (At this very point, a poetic order does not connect to elegant elements, it instead gets benefit from coarse and rough objects like electrical poles). So what is this brand new meaning? Facing cemented silhouettes and humpy wireless poles, you feel like they are absolutely lost looking for new identity. Sometimes in a poor situation and some other time with a threatening pose. What meaning truly haunts these objects in our minds? Disconnecting the wires, do they intend to display a situation after the catastrophe? Or warn us against the ghastly Real Order? Or stimulate our pity looking at them?
— Alireza Mirzaee, Urmia, Iran