Oriol Clavera


With the ultra-conservative Popular Party’s arrival in the Spanish government, a new, highly-probable Coastal Law will free the land, and the construction and land speculation which had been stopped due to the economic crisis will recommence. What looked like it might be an opportunity to avoid more coastal destruction may just be an illusion. Cement may cover the sand again.

While along the coast, emptiness fills the streets, waterparks, apartments and hotels. Excessive growth has turned the landscape into a big mass of asphalt, swimming pools and purposely-placed palm trees. In summer there’s a mass of swimwear and towels, cars and bikes, “paellas” and beer. However, the rest of the year, most of the year, there is nothing. Blinds down. Closed for (non) holiday. Low season.

— Oriol Clavera, Barcelona, Catalan Countries